Stevie Schrecengost

Freelance Writer

Online portfolio for Stephanie Schrecengost. She works freelance as a fiction writer (short stories, novels, and poetry) and book editor.


I was frustrated to wake this morning and not be able to write down all of the details of my dream I had just moments before. Does that bother anyone else? 

Of course it can seem like such a fantastic dream that might be transposed into some fantastical story, but in reality it may be nothing more than a few scrambled thoughts mushed together. That is the logic I have between sleeping and waking. 

But then there are the times you absolutely KNOW that the dream you had would make a wonderful story, and yet you can't write it down. Amidst my frustration this morning when trying to remember a dream that looked like a Peter Pan Origin story to my groggy self, I came up with this little paragraph in which to vent my frustrations:

"Most dreams are built up of fantastic images: images of lives unlived, worlds unexplored, by all except you. It is a pity that these images cannot be coerced into forming proper words in which to explain the magic they inspire in you. We can only ever hope to share fragments of what we’ve dreamt, and in the end, the whole picture remains truly yours, as it so stubbornly intended. "

It was beautiful when I first came up with it, but after reading it several times it loses its allure. But I will always be my toughest critic. That's beside the point though. 

I guess I should count myself lucky that I can remember several details from particular dreams, when some can only remember a piece of a dream from months ago. Perhaps that is because I write, because I daydream and because I distract myself with otherworldly things that will never be attainable to me. 

For instance, my younger brother hardly ever remembers his dreams, and when prompted he shared a dream in which he was standing in an indistinguishable landscape stirring a great cauldron of chocolate milk. How boring would that be to remember one little dream where nothing magical happens? I should count myself lucky. 

Dreams can be tricky, yet beautiful, even if they continue to elude you. 

As it stands, this is my first blog entry, and my rant for today. I will try to share some more random thoughts in the near future to anyone willing to listen. 


S.A. Barrie